
When selecting a partner to bring your ideas to life and translate your vision into something beautiful, you are looking for a design and development partner with a strong understanding of design thinking and UX, combined with the real-world experience of delivering digital products. Let's explore a brief summary of our approach at Assemblysoft to ensure you receive an on point design first time round.

As we work to understand your needs and produce a user interface that makes you proud, let's explore some of the thinking behind our human-centric approach.

Qualities within our team

What really makes a difference is people. We pride ourselves in having built a team who you and your clients can identify with and do not take themselves too seriously. We encourage professionalism combined with open communication and voice to ensure we leave no stone unturned when designing and developing your vision. We put ourselves in your shoes, whether that be back-office or boots on the ground. We focus on the human beings that need to use your application to ensure it delivers in a clean and simple way, even when there is underlying complexity. We ensure your users find using your application clear and efficient, enabling them to concentrate on the more important things in life, rather than trying to wrestle with an unwieldy user interface

As many of our clients have voiced, you will find it refreshing to deal with the likable and friendly design and development team here at Assemblysoft.

Assemblysoft provides custom development services targeting .NET MAUI

If you would like some assistance with .NET MAUI | Azure | Azure DevOps Services | Blazor Development then please get in touch, we would be glad to help.

Design Capabilities

As well as being the kind of people you enjoy working with, our designers have excellent UI Skills and are able to translate high-level requirements into interaction flows and artefacts, transforming them into beautiful, intuitive, and functional user interfaces. They are champions of user needs and the product vision, ensuring the team delivers the right thing in the right way.

We design and develop experiences that makes people's lives simpler

What Is the Difference Between UX Design and UI Design?

UX (User Experience) design pertains to how users interact with and experience products, including websites, mobile apps, and software. UX considers factors like design, usability, functionality, and branding to provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.
UI (User Interface) design focuses on harnessing visual design elements—like images, typography, space, and layout—to make websites accessible and attractive to users.

What you can expect from your design partnership with Assemblysoft

  • Ability to redesign an existing platform, moving from desktop only monolith to mobile first, supporting Phone | Tablet | Desktop.
  • Leading the design and discovery of requirements.
  • Lead design activities on the project, presenting design concepts, and running any necessary workshops.
  • Lead product discovery and design sessions with users.
  • Implement the design strategy, from discovery through to delivery.
  • Focus on the end-user needs to deliver the client's Platform.
  • Facilitate workshops and design sprints.
  • Work on design and aid with the front-end implementation through the creation of design systems, style guides, prototypes and other assets to bring product ideas to life.
  • Experiment and make data-driven decisions for your designs.
  • Optimising key elements like design, clickable buttons, information architecture, and navigation.
  • Produce prototypes, with industry standard tools such as Figma, demonstrating a working prototype that demonstrates Phone | Tablet | Desktop capabilities, generating excitement and enthusiasm.
  • Champions of Human-centred Design.

Assemblysoft's Approach to Overcoming Challenges

At Assemblysoft, we believe that the first step towards addressing challenges is to anticipate them. By identifying potential hurdles early on, we've already gained a considerable advantage, setting the stage for a proactive and well-informed approach to problem-solving.

Expertise in Stakeholder Collaboration: Assemblysoft's history of successful collaboration has honed our skills in bridging diverse stakeholder perspectives, ensuring everyone is heard, understood, and aligned towards a common goal.

Deep Dive into Legacy Systems: Our technical team possesses a wealth of experience in dissecting legacy systems. This experience is paramount in understanding the current application's intricacies, ensuring a smooth transition to the newer design.

Informed Market Insights: Our team keeps abreast of the latest trends and shifts in the digital landscape. This continuous learning places us in a prime position to conduct thorough and up-to-date competitive analyses.

User-Centric Design Philosophy: Our design process is rooted in empathy and a deep understanding of user personas. This ensures that diverse user needs are consistently met without compromising on design quality or functionality.

Robust Remote Collaboration: Our familiarity with remote collaboration tools and best practices ensures that distance and time zones never impede progress or communication.

Iterative Design Excellence: Assemblysoft thrives in an iterative design environment. We view each iteration as a step closer to perfection, refining based on feedback until we achieve a design that resonates with all users and stakeholders.

Streamlined Approval Processes: Our structured and transparent approach to securing approvals ensures that bottlenecks are minimised, and all stakeholders are consistently on the same page.

Technical Know-How: Our expertise isn't limited to design. We understand the technological implications of design decisions, ensuring that what we envision can be seamlessly turned into reality.

A Pathway to Success

Identifying challenges early grants us a distinct advantage. It enables a proactive approach, where potential issues can be addressed before they escalate. In Assemblysoft, you have a partner who not only recognizes potential roadblocks but also has the experience, expertise, and commitment to navigate through them. Our shared goal is the successful redesign of your application – and with our combined efforts, we're well on our way to achieving that.


An application or website that provides an accessible and delightful user experience is more likely to see deeper user engagement. Engagement, in turn, positively impacts user loyalty and conversions.

If you’re redesigning or launching a new application, you will want to ensure your UI design guides efficiently while ensuring your UX makes using your application enjoyable and painless. At Assemblysoft we have some of the best Lead UI/UX designers, who are both real and likeable, ready to visualise your goals.

At Assemblysoft we specialise in Custom Software Development tailored to your requirements. We can onboard and add value to your business rapidly. We are an experienced Full-stack development team able to provide specific technical expertise or manage your project requirements end to end. We specialise in the Microsoft cloud and .NET Solutions and Services. Our developers are Microsoft Certified. We have real-world experience developing .NET applications and Azure Services for a large array of business domains. If you would like some assistance with Azure | Azure DevOps Services | Blazor Development | .NET MAUI Development or in need of custom software development, from an experienced development team in the United Kingdom, then please get in touch, we would love to add immediate value to your business.

Assemblysoft - Your Safe Pair of Hands